
“Prayer is helplessness casting itself on Power, infirmity leaning on Strength, misery reaching to Mercy, and a prisoner clamoring for Relief.” –Archbishop Fulton J Sheen

Bishop Sheen knew the power of prayer.  At his ordination to the priesthood, he made a promise to make a daily holy hour, a promise which he kept faithfully.

It is only through prayer that we will change the world for Christ.

Prayer for Canonization

English: Heavenly Father, source of all holiness, You raise up within the Church in every age men and women who serve with heroic love and dedication. You have blessed Your Church through the life and ministry of Your faithful servant, Archbishop Fulton J Sheen. He has written and spoken well of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and was a true instrument of the Holy Spirit in touching the hearts of countless people.

If it be according to Your Will, for the honor and glory of the Most Holy Trinity and for the salvation of souls, we ask You to move the Church to proclaim him a saint. We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


+Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., Bishop of Peoria

Italian: Padre celeste, Fonte di ogni santità, Tu innalzi nella Chiesa in tutti i tempi degli uomini e delle donne che servono con amore eroico e dedizione. Tu hai benedetto la Tua Chiesa attraverso la vita e il ministero del Tuo servo fedele, Arcivescovo Fulton J. Sheen. Egli ha scritto e parlato bene del Tuo Figlio Divino, Gesù Cristo, ed è stato un vero e proprio strumento dello Spirito Santo, nel toccare i cuori di innumerevoli persone. Se è secondo la tua volontà, per l’onore e la gloria della Santissima Trinità e per la salvezza delle anime, noi Ti chiediamo di sollecitare la Chiesa a proclamarlo santo. Chiediamo questa preghiera per Gesù Cristo, nostro Signore. Amen.


+Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., Bishop of Peoria

Spanish: Padre Celestial, fuente de toda santidad, Tú que en todos los tiempos has elevado en la Iglesia hombres y mujeres que te sirvan con amor heroico y dedicación. Tú has bendecido a Tu Iglesia atreves de la vida y ministerio de Tu fiel siervo, Arzobispo Fulton J Sheen. El ha escrito y hablado bien de tu Divino Hijo Jesucristo, siendo  un verdadero instrumento del Espíritu Santo para tocar los corazones de las personas.

Si es de acuerdo a Tu voluntad, para mayor gloria de la Santísima Trinidad y la salvación de las almas, te pedimos que a través de  Tu Iglesia lo proclames Santo, te pedimos esto por Jesucristo, nuestro señor. Amén.


+ Reverendísimo Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C.,  Obispo de Peoria


Père céleste, source de toute sainteté, Vous qui élevez dans l’Eglise tous les hommes et les femmes qui la servent avec un amour et un dévouement héroïque. Vous avez béni Votre Eglise à travers la vie de votre fidèle serviteur, l’Archevêque Fulton J Sheen. Il a écrit et parlé avec fidélité et amour de Votre Divin Fils, Jésus Christ. Il a été l’instrument fidèle de l’Esprit Saint sachant toucher d’innombrables cœurs.

Si telle est Votre volonté, pour l’honneur et la gloire de La Très Sainte Trinité et le salut des âmes, nous Vous demandons de l’élever dans l’Eglise au rang de saint. Nous vous adressons cette prière par Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Amen

+Mgr Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., Evêque de Peoria

Polish: Ojcze Niebieski, źródło wszelkiej świętości, Ty powołujesz w Kościele mężczyzn i kobiety, którzy służą Ci z heroiczną miłością i poświęceniem. Ty pobłogosławiłeś Swój Kościół przez życie i posługę Twojego wiernego sługi, Arcybiskupa Fultona J. Sheena. Pisał i mówił on dobrze o Twoim Boskim Synu, Jezusie Chrystusie, i był prawdziwym instrumentem Ducha Świętego, poruszając serca niezliczonej ilości ludzi. Jeśli jest to zgodne z Twoją Wolą, na cześć i chwałę Najświętszej Trójcy i dla zbawienia dusz, prosimy Cię, aby z Twojego natchnienia Kościół ogłosił go błogosławionym. Prosimy Cię o to przez Jezusa Chrystusa, Pana naszego. Amen.


+Biskup Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., Ordynariusz Diecezji Peoria

German: Himmlischer Vater, Quelle aller Heiligkeit, Du erweckst in der Kirche zu jeder Zeit Männer und Frauen, die mit heroischer Liebe und Hingabe dienen. Du hast Deine Kirche durch das Leben und das Wirken Deines treuen Dieners Erzbischof Fulton J. Sheen gesegnet. Er hat Deinen göttlichen Sohn, Jesus Christus, in Wort und Schrift verkündet und, geführt vom Heiligen Geist, die Herzen zahlloser Menschen berührt.

Wenn es Deinem Willen entspricht, bitten wir Dich, um der Ehre und um des Ruhmes der Heiligsten Dreifaltigkeit und um des Heils der Seelen willen die Kirche zu bewegen, ihn heilig zu sprechen. Darum bitten wir durch Jesus Christus unseren Herrn. Amen


+S.E. H.H. Daniel R. Jenky C.S.C., Bischof von Peoria

Portuguese: Eterno Pai, fonte de toda a santidade, Vós que, em todas as épocas, fazeis surgir na Igreja homens e mulheres dispostos a servir com amor e dedicação heróicos, dignaste-Vos abençoar a Santa Igreja com a vida e o ministério do Vosso servo fiel, o Arcebispo Fulton J. Sheen. Ele escreveu e falou bem acerca do Vosso Divino Filho, Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, e foi, com a sua vida, um instrumento fiel do Espírito Santo, tocando os corações de almas incontáveis.

Se essa for a Vossa Vontade, rogamo-Vos que façais com que a Igreja o proclame santo, para honra e glória da Santíssima Trindade e para a salvação das almas. Vo-lo pedimos por Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, Ámen.


+Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., Bispo de Peoria

Czech: Nebeský Otče, Ty jsi pramen veškeré svatosti. Ty povoláváš v církvi muže a ženy, kteří Ti slouží s heroickou láskou a obětavostí. Ty jsi požehnal svou církev životem a službou Tvého věrného sluhy, arcibiskupa Fultona J. Sheena. On krásně psal i mluvil o Tvém božském Synu, Ježíši Kristu, byl opravdovým nástrojem Ducha Svatého a pohnul srdci nespočetného množství lidí. Pokud je to v souladu s Tvou vůlí, ke cti a slávě Nejsvětější Trojice a pro spásu duší, prosíme Tě, ať jej pod Tvým vnuknutím církev blahořečí. O to Tě prosíme skrze Ježíše Krista, našeho Pána. Amen.


Mons. Daniel R. Jenky C.S.R, biskup diecéze Peoria

Lithuanian: Dangaus Tėve, visokio šventumo šaltini, Tu pašauki Bažnyčioje visais laikais vyrus ir moteris, kurie Tau tarnauja su herojiška meile ir atsidavimu. Tu palaiminai Savąją Bažnyčią per Tavo ištikimojo tarno Arkivyskupo Fultono J. Sheeno gyvenimą ir tarnystę.  Jis skelbė Tavo Dieviškąjį Sūnų, Jėzų Kristų, žodžiu ir raštu, ir būdamas tikras Šventosios Dvasios instrumentas, palietė daugybės žmonių širdis. Jeigu tai pagal Tavo  Valią, prašome Tave Švenčiausiosios Trejybės garbei ir šlovei ir dėl sielų išganymo, kad per Tavo įkvėpimą Bažnyčia paskelbtų jį palaimintuoju. Prašome per Jėzų Kristų, Mūsų Viešpatį.  Amen.


J. E. Vyskupas + Danielius R. Jenky, C. S. C., Peorijos Vyskupijos Ordinaras.

Maltese: Missierna li Inti fis-smewwiet, bidu ta’ kull qdusija, f’ kull żmien Inti trawwem fil-Knisja irġiel u nisa li jaqduk b’imħabba u dedikazzjoni liema bħala. Inti berikt lill-Knisja bil-ħajja w il-ministeru tal-qaddej fidil tiegħek, l-Arċisqof Fulton J. Sheen. Huwa kiteb u tkellem tajjeb fuq Ibnek Qaddis Ġesu Kristu, u kien strument tal-Ispirtu s-Santu biex imiss il-qlub ta’ ħafna nies.

Jekk ħi skond ir-rieda Tiegħek, għall-unur u glorja tat-Trinita Qaddisa, u għas-salvazzjoni tal-erwieħ, nitolbuk li tnebbaħ lill-knisja sabiex tipproklamah qaddis. Nitolbu dan f’isem Ġesu Kristu Sidna. Amen.


+Reverendissmu Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., Isqof ta’ Peoria


天上的父,神圣之源。祢在教会培养各种年龄的男人和女人,他们充满者热爱和执着服务。祢以祢忠实的仆人,富尔顿·申(Fulton J. Sheen)大主教,的生活和事工必赐福给祢的教会。他称赞祢儿子,耶稣基督,也是好的圣灵的工具,他的话打动了无数人的心。


Arabic:  أيّها الآبُ السماويّ، منبع كلّ قداسة، يا مَنْ ترفعُ في الكنيسة في كلِّ الأزمنة رجالاً ونساءً يخدمون بمحبّةٍ بطوليّةٍ وتَفانٍ. لقد باركتَ كنيستَكَ من خلال حياةِ وعملِ خادمِكَ الأمين الأسقف فولتن ج. شين، الذي كتبَ وتكلَّمَ حَسَناً عن ابنِكَ الإلهيّ، يسوع المسيح، وكان وسيلةً حقيقيّةً للروح القدس، في لَمْسِ قلوبِ أُناسٍ كثيرين. إنْ حَسُنَ ذلك لمشيئتِكَ، لِمجدِ وإكرامِ الثالوثِ القدّوس ولأجل خلاصِ النفوس، نسألكَ أن تدفعَ الكنيسةَ إلى إعلانِهِ قدّيساً. نسألكَ هذه النعمة بيسوع المسيحِ ربِّنا، آمين.


Prayer For Favor

English: Eternal Father, You alone grant us every blessing in Heaven and on earth, through the redemptive mission of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and by the working of the Holy Spirit.

If it be according to Your Will, glorify Your servant, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, by granting the favor I now request through his prayerful intercession (mention your request here)

I make this prayer confidently through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.


+Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., Bishop of Peoria

Spanish: Padre Eterno, sólo Tú  concedes todas las bendiciones en el Cielo y en la Tierra, a través de la misión redentora de Tu Hijo y de la acción del Espíritu Santo.

Si es Tu voluntad, glorifica a Tu siervo el Arzobispo Fulton J. Sheen, concediendo el favor que ahora te pido a través de su devota intercesión (mencione su intención).

Hago esta confiada oración atreves de Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amen


+Reverendisimo Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., Obispo de Peoria

Italian: Padre Misericordioso, fonte di ogni santità, che in ogni tempo hai suscitato uomini e donne che ti hanno servito con amore generoso, eroico e fedele. Ti ringraziamo per aver arricchito la Chiesa con la vita ed il ministero pastorale del Tuo servo fedele, l’Arcivescovo Fulton J. Sheen, che con la parola e l’insegnamento ha testimoniato il Tuo Divin Figlio Gesù Cristo, buon Pastore, facendosi un vero strumento dello Spirito Santo in favore del tuo gregge. Concedici, per sua intercessione, secondo la Tua volontà, la grazia che imploriamo, nella speranza che egli sia presto annoverato tra i Tuoi santi. Per Cristo, nostro Signore. Amen


+Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., Bishop of Peoria


Père Eternel, Vous seul pouvez nous accorder toutes grâces sur la Terre et dans les Cieux, à travers la mission rédemptrice de Votre Divin Fils, Jésus Christ, et l’action salvifique de l’Esprit Saint.

Si telle est Votre volonté, daignez glorifier Votre serviteur,l’Archevêque Fulton J Sheen, en accordant la faveur que j’implore à travers cette prière d’intercession. (mentionnez votre requête ici).
Je vous adresse cette prière dans la confiance en Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Amen

+Mgr Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., Evêque de Peoria

Polish: Wieczny Ojcze, Ty sam obdarzasz nas wszelkimi łaskami w niebie i na ziemi przez zbawczą misję Twojego Boskiego Syna, Jezusa Chrystusa i przez działanie Ducha Świętego. Jeśli jest to zgodne z Twoją Wolą, wynieś do chwały Twego sługę, arcybiskupa Fultona J. Sheena, przez udzielenie łaski, o którą teraz proszę przez jego modlitewne wstawiennictwo (wymień intencję). Proszę Cię o to ufnie przez Jezusa Chrystusa, Pana naszego. Amen.


+Biskup Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., Ordynariusz Diecezji Peoria

German: Ewiger Vater, Du allein gewährst uns durch die erlösende Sendung Deines göttlichen Sohnes Jesus Christus und durch das Wirken des Heiligen Geistes die Fülle Deines Segens im Himmel und auf Erden.

Wenn es Deinem Willen entspricht, verherrliche Deinen Diener Erzbischof Fulton J. Sheen durch die Gewährung der Gnade, die ich jetzt auf seine gütige Fürsprache hin erflehe. (Formulieren Sie Ihre Bitte.)

Darum bitte ich im Vertrauen auf Jesus Christus, unseren Herrn. Amen.


+S.E. H.H. Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., Bischof von Peoria

Portuguese: Eterno Pai, de Vós somente nos vêm todas as bênçãos no Céu e na terra, por meio da missão redentora de Vosso Divino Filho, Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, e pela acção do Espírito Santo.

Se essa for a Vossa Vontade, glorificai o Vosso servo, o Arcebispo Fulton J. Sheen, concedendo-me por sua intercessão a graça que agora Vos imploro (peça-se a graça).

Peço-Vo-lo, confiadamente, por Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, Ámen.


+Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., Bispo de Peoria

Czech: Věčný Otče, Ty sám nás obdarováváš veškerou milostí v nebi i na zemi skrze spasitelné umučení Tvého božského Syna, Ježíše Krista, a skrze působení Ducha Svatého. Pokud je to ve shodě s Tvou vůlí, povyš ke slávě svého služebníka arcibiskupa Fultona J. Sheena skrze udělení milosti, o kterou nyní prosím prostřednictvím jeho přímluvy. Prosím Tě o to s důvěrou skrze Ježíše Krista, našeho Pána. Amen.


Mons. Daniel R. Jenky C.S.R, biskup diecéze Peoria

Lithuanian: Amžinasis Tėve, Tu pats apdovanoji  mus visokiariopomis malonėmis žemėje ir danguje per Tavo Dieviškojo Sūnaus Jėzaus Kristaus išganomąją misiją Šventosios Dvasios veikimu. Jeigu tai atitinką Tavo valią, iškelk i altoriaus garbę Tavo tarną arkivyskupą Fultoną J. Sheeną, per suteikiamas malones kurias dabar prašau per jo maldos užtarimą (išvardintį intenciją). Tai prašau Tave nuolankiai, per Jėzų Kristų Mūsų Viešpatį. Amen.


J. E. Vyskupas + Danielius R. Jenky, C. S. C., Peorijos Vyskupijos Ordinaras.

Maltese: Missier Etern, Inti biss tagħtina kull barka fis-sema u fl-art, permezz tal-fidwa li biha fdiena Ibnek l-Għaziz Ġesu Kristu, u bil-ħidma tal-Ispirtu s-Santu.

Kemm il-darba hi skond ir-rieda tiegħek, igglorifika lill-qaddej tiegħek l-Arċisqof Fulton J. Sheen billi taqlagħli l-grazzja li qed nitolbok bl-interċessjoni tiegħu (għamel it-talba tiegħek hawn)

Nitlob dan b’ tama kbira f’isem Ġesu Kristu Sidna. Amen.


+Reverendissmu Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., Isqof ta’ Peoria


天上的父,祢以祢的神的儿子的救赎使命和圣灵的行为必赐福给我们,在地上,如同行在天上. 如果这是祢的意志,给予我我请求的恩惠,荣耀祢忠实的仆人,富尔顿·申(Fulton J. Sheen)大主教 (在这里说出你的恳求)借着我主耶稣基督,阿们!


أيُّها الآبُ الأزليّ، أنتَ وحدَكَ تمنَحُنا كلَّ نِعمةٍ في السماواتِ وعلى الأرض، من خلالِ عَمَلِ ابنِكَ الإلهيِّ يسوع المسيحِ الخلاصيّ، وفِعلِ الروحِ القُدُس.

إنْ حَسُنَ هذا لمشيئتِكَ، مَجِّدْ خادِمَكَ الأسقف فولتن ج. شين، بأن تمنحَني النعمةَ التي أطلبُها الآن بشفاعتِهِ المصلّيّة (أذكرْ النعمةَ هنا)

أرفعُ إليكَ صلاتي هذه بيسوع المسيح ربِّنا، آمين.

Prayer to Spiritually Adopt an Unborn Child

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I love you very much. I beg of you to spare the life of the unborn child I have spiritually adopted, who is in danger of abortion.

Say this prayer every day for nine months to save a baby’s life!


World Mission Rosary

In February 1951, while serving as the National Director for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, Bishop Sheen designed the World Mission Rosary. “We must pray, and not for ourselves, but for the world,” the Bishop said, “To this end, I have designed the World Mission Rosary. Each of the five decades is of a different color to represent each of the five continents.” Bishop Sheen said that praying this Rosary would “aid the Holy Father and his Society for the Propagation of the Faith by supplying him with practical support, as well as prayers, for the poor mission territories of the world.”

Each color on the Rosary represents a different area where the Church continues its mission of evangelization:

  • Green: for the forests and grasslands of Africa.
  • Blue: for the ocean surrounding the Islands of the Pacific.
  • White: symbolizing Europe, the seat of the Holy Father, shepherd of the world..
  • Red: calling to mind the fire of faith that brought missionaries to the Americas.
  • Yellow: the morning light of the East, for Asia.


Joyful Mysteries (Monday and Saturday)

The Annunciation
That the Good News of a Savior, first announced to Mary, may be proclaimed to all the world.

The Visitation
That missionaries who travel long roads bearing Christ to those in need may be strengthened in faith and holiness.

The Birth of Jesus
For the children of the missions, especially those who are poor and homeless, that they may know the love of Jesus.

The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple
That Catholic families of the missions, by the example of their lives, may show the love of Christ to their neighbors.

The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
That all the people of the missions who live in sorrow may find in the Gospel message of Jesus new life and peace.

Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesday and Friday)

The Agony in the Garden
That all who persevere in faith in the missions may feel the presence of the Lord in their lives.

The Scourging at the Pillar
That all who suffer in body, especially the hungry millions in the missions, may be fed and comforted through our sharing.

The Crowning with Thorns
That all those who suffer from despair, especially the refugees of the missions, may find hope in Christ’s promise of eternal happiness for those who believe in Him.

The Carrying of the Cross
For the Church in the United States, that by our prayers and sacrifices for the missions, we may help bear the burdens of our brothers and sisters worldwide.

The Crucifixion
That those who hunger and thirst for justice in the missions may work peacefully and successfully toward their goal.

Glorious Mysteries (Sunday and Wednesday)

The Resurrection
For the Church worldwide, that our faith in the Risen Christ may draw others to Him.

The Ascension
That Christ, who lived as a man and returned to the Father, will grant to all people knowledge of the way to eternal life.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles
For our Holy Father, that the Holy Spirit will grant him wisdom, fortitude and holiness as he guides the Church in the path of Christ.

The Assumption of Our Lady
That Mary, who gave the human body of Christ to the world, may inspire us who form the Body of Christ on earth to proclaim His message to all peoples.

The Crowning of Our Lady Queen of Heaven
That through the intercession of Mary, Queen of the Missions, young men and women will offer their lives to God as priests and religious in service of their neighbors.

Luminous Mysteries (Thursday)

Moments from Jesus’ public ministry – with stories from the missions

The Baptism in the Jordan
In a hospital in Hong Kong, a Chinese Sister spoke to a young cancer patient about God, our loving Father, and about heaven, our eternal home. The boy, an orphan, told her: “I never had a father. I never had a home.” Baptized, the boy made the journey to God clothed in Christ because a Sister had shared with him the fruits of her own baptism.

The Wedding of Cana
Mother Teresa tells of bringing rice to a hungry family. The next day she discovered the food was gone. It seems that a neighboring family had no food either, so the first family shared what Mother Teresa had brought them. The neighbors, of a different faith, were witnesses to Christian love.

The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God and Call to Conversion
In East Africa, a Catholic family heard of a village far from their own where the people had never heard of Christ. In prayer, and in love, they decided to move to the distant village so that day by day they could tell –
and show – the people what it means to be a follower of Christ.

The Transfiguration
To catch even a glimpse of the glory that awaits us in Christ is a gift beyond compare for millions of people
whose lives are a daily struggle. Such a glimpse was caught in Liberia, West Africa. When people by the hundreds fled from their homes in the midst of civil war, their pastor said, “They left all their belongings behind, but they brought with them one valuable possession – their faith.”

The Institution of the Eucharist
World Mission Sunday, celebrated each year on the next-to-last Sunday in October, in the context of the Mass, reminds us that we who eat Christ’s Body and drink his Blood are sent to continue his mission to the world. “Supported by Mary, we will not hesitate to devote ourselves generously to taking the proclamation of the Good News to the ends of the earth,”
said Pope John Paul II.

Wartime Prayer Book

During the trials and hardships of World War II, Fulton Sheen knew how important prayer was on the battlefield, and thus created the Wartime Prayer Book to help a war-ravaged country heal. This beautiful book contains thoughts on war and reflections for soldiers, as well as beautiful prayers and meditations on Our Lady, The Eucharist, and the Cross.

To order a copy of this book for yourself or a soldier you know, or to help us to send this book to our soldiers overseas, please contact the Sheen Foundation at 309-671-1550. A donation of $10 is requested which will cover the cost of the book and shipping and will help further the cause for Archbishop Sheen’s canonization.

An excerpt from Fulton Sheen’s Wartime Prayer Book:
To Mary: Mother Immaculate, gracious protectress of the United States, in humble petition that thy land, which was violated on the eve of thy great feast, may be victorious and inviolate again on that same feast day, when the false god of a rising sun sets, and the double cross untwists itself, and we, who fought to make others free, are ourselves made free with the glorious liberty of the children of God.



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