wartime Prayer book

During the trials and hardships of World War II, Fulton Sheen knew how important prayer was on the battlefield, and thus created the Wartime Prayer Book to help a war-ravaged country heal. This beautiful book contains thoughts on war and reflections for soldiers, as well as beautiful prayers and meditations on Our Lady, The Eucharist, and the Cross.

To order a copy of this book for yourself or a soldier you know, or to help us to send this book to our soldiers overseas, please contact the Sheen Foundation at (309) 671-1550. A donation of $10 is requested which will cover the cost of the book and shipping and will help further the cause for Archbishop Sheen’s canonization.

An excerpt from Fulton Sheen’s Wartime Prayer Book:
To Mary: Mother Immaculate, gracious protectress of the United States, in humble petition that thy land, which was violated on the eve of thy great feast, may be victorious and inviolate again on that same feast day, when the false god of a rising sun sets, and the double cross untwists itself, and we, who fought to make others free, are ourselves made free with the glorious liberty of the children of God.